Weihnachtsgrüße unserer Gründer

The end of 2021 is upon us and in so many facades this year has been very special for us. Christmas is the time to hold still and look back at the last twelve months of the year. One year ago, VIABIRDS consisted of only three people, now a year later we are a team of fourteen people with one mission. We want to rethink digital pick-up commerce and develop shopping solutions for people on the move. Let’s recap the year 2021 with some facts: we closed our seed-round in March, we successfully launched our project “flyby.shop” with three flyby-stations in Salzburg, we developed more than 500.000 lines of code for our software platform and shot more than 10.000 videos assets. Every month we were able to onboard a new bird to the team, in average hold more than 150 meetings and most importantly, with flyby.shop we set a cornerstone for a scalable digitized solution in one of the fastest growing markets, eGrocery. All those great things were only possible because of so many people believing in us and our company, which is why we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you: thank you to our customers, to our partners and to our mentors as well as a very special thank you to our shareholders and to our board who supported us in our mission to create and develop ecommerce solutions for people on the move from the first day on. Finally, we would like to thank our awesome team. We strongly believe that great things in business are never achieved by a few, but always by a whole team working together. Spending the last twelve months with each and every one of you has been an amazing journey and we are already beyond excited for all our future plans and upcoming challenges.

Mehr Highlights

a guy speaking on a stage and presenting flyby.shop

Blueprint for grocery marketplaces

Alex erzählt auf der Spryker Excite was einen eGrocery Marktplatz wirklich einzigartig macht.

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the two founders giving thumbs up in an office environment


Wie die Idee hinter VIABIRDS entstand und umgesetzt wurde

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three guys standing beside two flags and looking into the camera

Eröffnung des ersten Lungauer Onlineshops

Die Geschichte hinter der Eröffnung des ersten Lungauer Onlineshops

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